Thursday, December 26th 2024

apl. Prof. Dr. Volker Böhm

apl. Prof. Dr. Volker Böhm

Academic career

- Study of food chemistry at Münster University
- State approved exams: 1987 and 1988
- PhD thesis 1992 at Münster University “Rückstandsanalytik von koplanaren PCB-Kongeneren in Lebensmitteln und Frauenmilch” (Analysis of residues of coplanar PCB congeners in food and human milk)
- Additional qualification as lecturer in human nutrition 1999 (Jena University) “Antioxidativ wirksame Carotinoide und Polyphenole – Analytik, Gehalte in Lebensmitteln und intestinale Absorption“ (Antioxidative carotenoids and polyphenols - analysis, contents in food and intestinal absorption)
- Lecturer for human nutrition, assistant professor since 1999 (Jena University)
- Lecturer for human nutrition, senior assistant professor since 2005 (Jena University) as well as for food chemistry since 2014
- Adjunct professor for food chemistry since 2019 (Jena University)

Professional career

- PhD student at Münster University 1988 – 1992
- Preparation of a food company to get a quality control certificate 1992 – 1993
- Postdoc position at Jena University, Institute of Nutrition, 1993 – 1999
- Senior scientific assistant at Jena University, Institute of Nutrition, 1999 – 2003
- Senior scientific assistant and research group leader since 2005
- Coordinator of the large EU funded project LYCOCARD 2006 - 2011

Research stays abroad

- Ohio State University in Columbus, Ohio, USA, with Prof. Dr. Steven J. Schwartz, summer 2000

Functions and memberships

- International Carotenoid Society, Fellow (FICS) since 2017
- Society for Free Radical Research
- European Academy of Nutritional Science (EANS)
- Gesellschaft Deutscher Chemiker (GDCh) (German Chemical Society)
- Lebensmittelchemische Gesellschaft (Association of Food Science)
- Chairman of the regional branch of the Association of Food Science (2014 - 2019)
- Deutsche Gesellschaft für Ernährung (DGE) (German Nutrition Society)
- Spokesman of the Food Science section of the German Nutrition Society

Particpation at conferences (selection)

- International Symposium on Carotenoids (1999, 2002, 2005, 2008, 2011, 2014, 2017)
- International Congress on Pigments in Food (2004, 2006, 2016)
- European Meeting on Fat Soluble Vitamins (2003, 2006, 2009, 2012, 2017)
- International Congress of Nutrition (1997, 2001)
- Bioavailability (2001)
- Euro Food Chem (2001)
- Nutritionists meet Food Scientists and Technologists (2000)
- Annual German Food Science meetings and congresses of the German Nutrition Society

Referee for journals (selection)

- Antioxidants (Member of Editorial Board)
- Br J Nutr
- Eur Food Res Technol
- Eur J Nutr
- Food Chem
- Int J Vitam Nutr Res
- J Agric Food Chem
- J Chromatogr
- J Food Sci
- J Sci Food Agric
- LWT - Food Sci Technol
- Mol Nutr Food Res
